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Sign Up Today and Be The Part of moha: Insider Club!Add glow to your skin & luster to your hair with moha: Glow Points.

We have credited 15-moha: Glow Points in your account as registration the reward for showing trust in moha: products, which can be redeemed instantly. Plus you earn 5% additional moha: Glow Points with every single purchase made on www.moha.co.in (applicable on net cart value).



What is moha: Glow Point?

moha: Glow Point is loyalty points rewarded to the members of moha: Insider Club, on shopping from: www.moha.co.in

What is the value of each moha: Glow Point?

1 moha: Glow Point = Re. 1/-

How many moha: Glow Points do I get on the registration/ creating of my account?

Step 1 – Register on our website. Once your account is created, 15 moha: Glow Points will be credited instantly. You can check the same on My account,  Dashboard.


Step 2 – Place your order and redeem 15 moha: Glow Points on your 1st purchase itself.

How many moha: Glow Points do I earn on every order?

With every order placed, you earn 5% moha: Glow Points in your account, calculated on Sub Cart Value (Net product value). These points will be credited within 24-hours of product delivery, once the transaction is completed successfully. And will be available to be redeemed on your next purchase.

When can I redeem my moha: Glow Points?

15-moha: Glow Points earned during the registration of your account, is instantly redeemable and can be used in the 1st order itself. However, 5% additional moha: Glow Points earned with every single order, can be redeemed in the next order only.

What is the maximum limit of moha: Glow Points that I can redeem?

You may choose to redeem or save your earned moha: Glow Points with every purchase. However, at maximum moha: Glow Points up to 20% of your current sub cart value (Net product value) can be redeemed.
Example: You have 200-moha: Glow Points stored in your account. And current Net Cart Value is Rs. 500/-. In this case, you will be allowed to redeem only 20% moha: Glow Points valuing 100 at maximum.

Can i club Coupon code and moha: Glow Points?

You may choose to redeem or save your earned moha: Glow Points with every purchase. However, at maximum moha: Glow Points up to 20% of your current sub cart value (Net product value) can be redeemed.
Example: You have 200-moha: Glow Points stored in your account. And current Net Cart Value is Rs. 500/-. In this case, you will be allowed to redeem only 20% moha: Glow Points valuing 100 at maximum.

Will I still earn moha: Glow Points if I return or cancel the order?

moha: glow points can be earned only on completed/ delivered orders. In case of return or cancellation of orders, you will miss out on your moha: glow points.

What is the validity of moha: Glow Points earned?

moha: Glow Points comes with the validity of 90-days, calculated from the date of credit in your account.

Where should I check / track my moha: Glow Points?

You can find order-wise moha: Glow Points details on your MY ACCOUNT – DASHBOARD.

Is there any other alternative mode to earn moha: Glow Points?

Yes, you can earn moha: Glow Points by referring moha: products to your friends and families.

What is the procedure to refer moha: and earn moha: Glow Points?

You may find a referral link in MY ACCOUNT – DASHBOARD.
Share the link with your friends and family and you will be rewarded with 25 moha: Glow Points, once the first purchase is made by the referee

Do referees also get rewarded with moha: Glow Points?

Yes! Even the referee gets 25-moha: Glow Points, once the 1st order is successfully placed and completed.

Can I encash my moha: Glow Points earned?

You can only re-deem moha: Glow Points with every order placed and a maximum up to 20% of your sub cart value (Net Product Value).

Do I earn additional moha: Glow Points on returning used moha: bottles?

Yes, you earn 5-moha: Glow Points per bottle, as a contribution towards a cleaner and healthier environment. moha: Glow Points will be credited to your account within 48-hours of bottle receipt.

What are the steps to return used moha: bottles?

We accept only moha: bottles under the provision of moha: Glow Points.
Please ensure they are clean and dry. Do send the same to our address mentioned below. Also to keep the track of the same, you are requested to drop us a mail at customercare@vedistry.com & customercare@charak.com and confirm the courier details, No. of bottles shipped, and the reference image.

P.S. NOTE: We do not accept tubes.

What is the address to send moha: empty bottles?

You may send it to any of the below address:
Depot Manager,
Charak Pharma,
Unit no.AC 1-6, 13-14, Shree Rajlaxmi Complex,
Mane Farm House, Thane Bhiwandi Road.
Opp Hanuman Complex, Kalher village.
Bhiwandi- 421302, Mumbai, MAHARASHTRA.
Mobile numbers – 9324567835, 7021357832.

Depot Manager,
Charak Pharma,
85, G.T. Road, Opposite – TCI Ltd, Sahibabad,
Chikamberpur- 201006 , UTTAR PRADESH.
Tel.no. 0120 2629794,